• twilly23@gmail.com
  • Eastern Oregon

Gluten Free Cooking

Josh and I have been doing a lot of home cooking this summer. The above is a delicious gluten free pie we made with strawberries, local rhubarb and local blackberries. It was delicious and blackberry season is one of my favorite times of year. We planted arugula in our garden plot and got so much of it. My friend Helen […]

Mending Socks

An earlier version of this tutorial was previously published on Think Crafts! Have a hole in your beautiful hand knit sock? Don’t panic, it can be fixed. Difficulty Level Medium Materials Yarn needle Thread Directions You could use some of the original sock yarn to repair your hole if you saved some. I still had some leftover yarn but as […]


Back in April, the world seemed pretty scary. Not like today right? Right?!? :/ Erm…anyway. I decided to make extracts as a way to put some positivity into my future. I made vanilla extract by slicing six vanilla pods and adding them to a bottle of rum. (Some people use vodka but I think rum makes it taste better.) I’ve […]