• twilly23@gmail.com
  • Eastern Oregon

Spinning Karma

I’m so proud to share that Josh’s novel is published! It’s available for purchase through the publisher Camphor Press or at Amazon. Spinning Karma A reluctant American spiritual leader, A fake viral video, A media-driven propaganda war between America and China that spirals out of control. Spinning Karma is the East-Collides-With-West farce the world needs – and deserves – now. […]

Blue Blanket Beginnings

I’m finally getting back to my lotus pond blanket. The last time I worked on this was when Josh and I were housesitting in Boston. That feels so long ago! 2020 has been a long year. The blanket part will be blue to represent water. I thought about buying new yarn but a persistent theme of this year was working […]

Knit Gift Purse

A version of this pattern was previously published on Think Crafts! The holidays are here. Need a quick handmade gift? I had a last minute gift to make and managed to crank this purse out over a weekend. If you need a gift and have little time make this purse. I wrote this pattern as simply as possible to help […]

Crochet Flower Ring

An earlier version of this tutorial was published on Think Crafts! Winter is here but you can still keep summer blooms alive with this crochet flower ring. CRAFT Crochet DIFFICULTY Beginner MATERIALS Yarn (Whatever type reminds you of summer) Crochet Hook (Appropriate for chosen yarn) Button Yarn needle Elastic Thread PATTERN NOTES CO: Cast on Ch: Chain SC: Single crochet […]

Renovare Monstrum

I’ve created a new monster pattern! This time it’s a sewing pattern kit that comes with instructions and all the materials you need to make your own monster. The precut fabric is made from up-cycled sweaters. The felt, yarn, ribbon and buttons are all up-cycled as well. I’ve chosen the name of this kit to reflect these materials being reused […]