Josh and I have been doing a lot of home cooking this summer. The above is a delicious gluten free pie we made with strawberries, local rhubarb and local blackberries. It was delicious and blackberry season is one of my favorite times of year.
We planted arugula in our garden plot and got so much of it. My friend Helen turned me onto this green back in our NM days and it’s one of my faves. She also taught me how to make pesto and arugula gives this appetizer quite the zing.
We got into a pizza making kick and have been using garden greens as part of the toppings. So yummy!
I treated myself to a new gluten free baking cookbook and the results have been phenomenal. These dinner rolls were tasty and strong. How well did they hold their shape?
Strong enough to be a bread bowl! I haven’t had a bread bowl in years. This was such a delight I almost cried. The soup is split pea with pork belly, one of Josh’s signature dishes.
My new cookbook (review forthcoming!) also has a fantastic scone recipe.
These were cherry almond scones and they did not last long. Scones are one of those baked goods I missed most when I had to give up gluten. It’s such a delight to have them back in my life.
I like to eat a scone with a cup of coffee. It’s a perfect snack.
Bake on!