Summer break has arrived and I finally have time to hang out with my sewing machine again. Mostly I’ve been working on my mending pile which had grown considerably this past semester. My first sewing project was tarting up a new summer hat.
I have a pretty pink hat that’s my standard go to but it feels weird to wear if I’m dressed all in green or blue. This option was found in Taipei’s underground mall on sale for $150 NT (about $5 US). The sash came from a dress I recently scored at a clothing swap.
It seemed cute at the time I tried it on but once home the design seemed a bit off. So I’ve been recycling it and am happy with this first result. The flower was a nice score also found underground.
Josh and I took another trip to our new favorite place Oia Cafe. It’s an alpaca and cat coffee shop. Yup, you can sip a latte and pet an alpaca. We made our first trek earlier this month and Josh blogged about it here.
This time we got to bath one of the alpacas, a one year old named Kurosawa, after the famous director. It was not an easy task but Kuro forgave us after we offered him carrots.
This little kitty was my new friend for half an hour during our first visit. He was adorable and I so wanted to take him home! But alas, we’re living pet free for the foreseeable future. Isn’t he adorable?
Living in Taiwan means access to fresh fruit and varieties not easily found in the US. Josh and I scored some cheap durian recently and it was delicious.
Love your new hat!…enjoy the summer…Kelly and I are OK…looks/sounds like you guys are OK, too…good luck with all you “doin’s”, lol…Johnny and Kelly
Thank you! I realized I hadn’t written you back so just sent you two an email. Hugs!
Okay, the hat turned out great and I’m pretty sure the dress is going to be super cute on you! That cat though, Whoa! Gorgeous.
I’m here missing you terribly and jealous you’re getting time to sew. XO
True, but you get way more knitting time than me!