• twilly23@gmail.com
  • Eastern Oregon

Finding Nemo Jr.

This summer I got to do costumes for another College Community Theatre production. Finding Nemo Jr. is a staged version of the Disney movie designed for kids. I made some of the costumes like Marlin’s and Nemo’s costumes above. Early on we decided to have the kids participate in the production side as well. They got to make their own […]

Winter Art Classes

Winter semester at the Pendleton Center for the Arts starts in January. This semester I’ll be teaching Make A Monster, What’s a Validation Card? and my popular Creative Mending classes. More information can be found via their website. Sign up via online or by phone at (541) 278-9201.

Fall Art Classes

Fall semester at the Pendleton Center for the Arts will be starting in September. This time around I’ll be teaching students how to make pincushions, monsters, and fridge magnets. Plus my popular Creative Mending class will return as well. To reserve your spot, you can call the arts center at 541-278-9201. Alternatively, you can sign up for my newsletter for […]

Summer Art Classes

Summer classes are happening at the Pendleton Center for the Arts! If your mending pile has grown out of control, bring it down to my Creative Mending Class. We’ll patch it up in style. My Monster Making classes were super fun. Fall term will include monster, fridge and mending classes. You can sign up for my classes here.

Art Classes

Want some cool fridge magnets? There’s plenty to buy but they’re even better when you make them yourself. Personalized fridge magnets also make great gifts. How’s your mending pile? Want to get some tips on how to creatively mend those pesky holes? Come take a class with me at the Pendleton Center for the Arts! I’ll be teaching students how […]

Oregon Wildfires

It’s been an intense week for Oregon. Wildfires have ravaged this state-towns have literally been burned to the ground and thousands of residents are displaced. Josh and I shaken but are doing ok. Portland never got an evacuation notice. But our air was hazardous for days on end and the sky was a sickly yellow. The above photo is Josh […]