• twilly23@gmail.com
  • Eastern Oregon

Finding Nemo Jr.

This summer I got to do costumes for another College Community Theatre production. Finding Nemo Jr. is a staged version of the Disney movie designed for kids. I made some of the costumes like Marlin’s and Nemo’s costumes above. Early on we decided to have the kids participate in the production side as well. They got to make their own […]

Formosa Moon Book Release Party

Josh and I’s book Formosa Moon was officially released October 1st, 2018. We had a great book release party at Taipei’s Red Room. (We actually had our party last October. I’ve just been too busy with grad school to blog.) Our friend Carrie came out and we were delighted to see her. She has been incredibly supportive of this project […]

Taiwanese Puppetry Article

Back in July I wrote an article about glove puppetry in Taiwan for Topics Magazine. I’m late posting it here but luckily you can still read it online. Local puppet troupes and my fave puppet museum are featured. Taiwanese Puppetry – Continuing a Rich Tradition

Formosa Moon Promotion

Now that our book Formosa Moon has been released, Josh and I are starting to do more promotion. Our latest was for a tv show and we got the full treatment. You can buy our book here. Despite my side eye to the mascara, the experience was fun. The hair and make up person curled my hair and I swear […]

Knitting, hiking, studying

Grad school is great but demands most of my time these days. Josh and I recently went to Maokong, one of our favorite spots to get out of the city and into nature. This decoration is from a tea restaurant and takes me back to my favorite PSU class-History of the Dress. My lotus project is slowly progressing. I laid […]

More Superheroes, more art

I’m really happy to be drawing again. After drawing female figures I’m now working on the male form. The above is Thor from the Avengers movie and below is Captain America. Last month Josh and I got to hang with fashion blogger Jonathan Waiching Ho while he’s here Living Like A Local. We went to the Bamboo Curtain Studio and […]

Sewing machine and cover

I finally got a sewing machine! After two failed attempts with second hand machines I decided to buy a new one. Costco not only had my trusty Singer brand but one with flowers. Dihua neighborhood has fabric galore and after a shopping visit I set about making a cover for my new machine. It’s so wonderful to be working with […]

Puppet Repair

One of our puppets recently had an injury-the puppet landlord’s body separated from his head in a loud clunk. It was dramatic but thankfully there was no permanent damage. The rubber bands that held the body core to the neck had dried out and split. It didn’t take long to repair but Chad moved fast and tried to claim the […]

Tiny Stitches, Tiny Shrimp

My internship at the Taiyuan Asian Puppet Theatre Museum just passed the three month mark so Kim gave me this lovely pin cushion, which I’ll need for my current work. Rosie and I are making customized puppet costume pillows. The pillows give the costumes a dimension which really brings them alive. And they help to open up creases without damaging […]

Petals, Pillows and Pizza

My flower petals are coming along. This is a long term art piece that will take months to complete. I hope to have it finished by the end of the year. My internship at the Taiyuan Asian Puppet Theater Museum is enjoyable. I’m currently making pillows to protect the puppet heads. This marionette puppet now has a protective cushion in […]