• twilly23@gmail.com
  • Eastern Oregon

Spinning Karma

I’m so proud to share that Josh’s novel is published! It’s available for purchase through the publisher Camphor Press or at Amazon. Spinning Karma A reluctant American spiritual leader, A fake viral video, A media-driven propaganda war between America and China that spirals out of control. Spinning Karma is the East-Collides-With-West farce the world needs – and deserves – now. […]

Lotus Flowers

Now that we’re back in the States I have time to knit again. My long term lotus flowers project reached a milestone. I’ve completed knitting the petals and have 150. Next up will be finding a lotus leaf pattern. I may make my own pattern, like I did with the petals. Eventually I’ll sew these all together in various groupings […]

Formosa Moon Year Anniversary!

It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year since Josh and I’s book Formosa Moon was published. Ever the faster blogger, Josh has already written up an anniversary post here. In honor of Formosa Moon’s 1-year anniversary, we’re asking friends and readers in and out of Taiwan – to a little support behind the book, its authors, our publisher […]

Formosa Moon Book Release Party

Josh and I’s book Formosa Moon was officially released October 1st, 2018. We had a great book release party at Taipei’s Red Room. (We actually had our party last October. I’ve just been too busy with grad school to blog.) Our friend Carrie came out and we were delighted to see her. She has been incredibly supportive of this project […]

Taiwanese Puppetry Article

Back in July I wrote an article about glove puppetry in Taiwan for Topics Magazine. I’m late posting it here but luckily you can still read it online. Local puppet troupes and my fave puppet museum are featured. Taiwanese Puppetry – Continuing a Rich Tradition

Formosa Moon Promotion

Now that our book Formosa Moon has been released, Josh and I are starting to do more promotion. Our latest was for a tv show and we got the full treatment. You can buy our book here. Despite my side eye to the mascara, the experience was fun. The hair and make up person curled my hair and I swear […]

Ghost Month Guest Post

Josh and I just got back from Australia and what a trip it was. Pictures of Oz soon but in the meantime I’m happy to announce that I got to write a guest blog post for Taiwan Scene again. This time it was on Ghost Month. Getting the Most from Ghost Month in Taiwan can be read here.

Summer hat

Summer break has arrived and I finally have time to hang out with my sewing machine again. Mostly I’ve been working on my mending pile which had grown considerably this past semester. My first sewing project was tarting up a new summer hat. I have a pretty pink hat that’s my standard go to but it feels weird to wear […]