• twilly23@gmail.com
  • Eastern Oregon

Cat Hair Cat Hats

My friend Margaret recently gifted me this awesome book. Cat-Hair Hats For Cats is full of adorable cats wearing the cutest hats: How could I not make one? Ursula is long haired and needs regular brushing. She likes it too and will often request it by nuzzling her brush. I easily had enough fur to make her a snazzy hat. […]

Cat Fur Needle Case

A version of this pattern was previously published on Think Crafts! If you’re a cat owner you know how much fur cats can shed. My cat Ursula is a long haired cat who enjoys brushing every day. One day I pulled fur off of her brush and tried needle felting it. It felted wonderfully so I decided to make something […]

Womb Warrior

A knitting friend gifted me some neon pink yarn recently. It’s a wonderful shock of pink and I already plan to use it in several upcoming projects. But in light of recent news, I felt compelled to knit myself a womb. Ursula expressed some interest in my work. For now, my womb is snuggled up to Persephone on my bedroom […]

Lotus Pond

My Lotus Pond Blanket is finally finished! This project began back in 2017 when Josh and I were living in our first apartment in Taiwan. Originally I was going to make pink flowers attached to vines that would hang down from our balcony. It was my first summer in Taiwan and I was unbearably hot most of the time. Knitting […]

Lotus Flowers… Assemble

We’ve been getting intense temps in Oregon. It was 110 today! Josh and I have been surviving thanks to a small window AC and Marvel movies. Despite the heat, I’ve gotten some knitting progress made. My blue blanket is finished and was an utter joy to knit. (Except I didn’t weave in my ends as I went. Lesson learned!) This […]

Renovare Monstrum

I’ve created a new monster pattern! This time it’s a sewing pattern kit that comes with instructions and all the materials you need to make your own monster. The precut fabric is made from up-cycled sweaters. The felt, yarn, ribbon and buttons are all up-cycled as well. I’ve chosen the name of this kit to reflect these materials being reused […]

Upcycled Arm Warmers

I’ve been a fan of the artist Katwise for years. Her coats are works of art! She graciously sells pattern tutorials for both her upcycled coats and arm warmers. Recently I made myself a pair out of old tshirts. They turned out so cute! I’ll definitely be making more. One of them had the phrase “Enlighten Up” which I positioned […]


Back in April, the world seemed pretty scary. Not like today right? Right?!? :/ Erm…anyway. I decided to make extracts as a way to put some positivity into my future. I made vanilla extract by slicing six vanilla pods and adding them to a bottle of rum. (Some people use vodka but I think rum makes it taste better.) I’ve […]

Cat Fur Hack

Recently I fixed my sewing machine with a clever hack. I inherited this machine and it’s pretty solid except that it was missing a small part. Usually there is a thin circle of felt that rests between the thread stopper and thread. The missing felt meant that the thread moved around the thread holder rod and sometimes both it and […]