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  • Eastern Oregon
Wine Cork Corkboard

Wine Cork Corkboard

A version of this tutorial was previously published on Think Crafts!

A bulletin board is a useful tool for your crafty space. I decided to get creative and make my own out of upcycled wine corks. You can save your corks or hit up thrift stores for a big bag to make your own. This tutorial shows you how to create a custom cork bulletin board.

Misc. Crafts


Scrap wood and or frame
Craft glue


Instead of gluing the corks directly to the wall I cut a piece of plywood as backing for the corks. Measure the space you want to turn into a bulletin board. Cut the plywood to fit that shape. Both the saw, hacksaw and glue gun can hurt you so seek skilled help if needed. My office has a steep side roof so I had a triangle area that measured 47” x 48” x 68” that seemed perfect for this project. My bulletin board used over 700 corks so you may wish to make a smaller board.

After cutting out your shape, sand the sides of the plywood until smooth.

Drill holes in the plywood so you can screw it into the wall. For my triangle shape I put one hole in each corner and one in the middle.

Place the plywood onto the wall and temporarily screw it into the wall. This will let you pre-drill the screw holes in the exact spot in the wall. I have drywall so needed to insert anchors to ensure that the screws would stay in place.

Take down the plywood and prepare to sort your corks. To protect your floor lay down newspaper first.

If you are using a premade frame you can skip all of the above steps and just start gluing the corks into the frame.

Corks can be found from multiple sources. I bought some at thrift stores and garage sales. My local coffee shop also sells wine so they gave me a bag of corks every time I stopped by.

Not all corks are the same. I wanted a relatively uniform size so did not use champagne corks or whiskey corks. Plastic corks can be more decorative because they can use color but I don’t think pins sink as easily into them as real cork. For my board I only used a few plastic ones because I liked their designs.

Lay out the corks before gluing them into place. (The champagne corks are great to use on the sides of the plywood so your corks don’t roll away.) Laying them into place lets you organize them before they’re stuck into place.

I moved corks around so there weren’t clusters of the same label.

General use craft glue works great for glueing down the corks.

Squeeze out a line of glue and then press the cork into place.

Don’t glue down the corks that are on top of the drilled holes. They’ll be glued on later after the plywood is screwed into the wall.

Halfway through this project I found a glue gun at a garage sale. I highly recommend using a glue gun instead. It makes the work go so much faster!

Depending on the angle you glue the corks, you may have gaps where the plywood shows. The long side of my triangle lined up with the corks but the shorter sides did not. For one side I pushed the corks up as close to the edge as I could. This side touches the ceiling so the gaps are not as noticeable. The other side faces the wall so I decided to cut some corks. With a marker draw a line over the cork where you need to cut.

Use a hacksaw to cut the corks.

After creating an angled cork, I glued it into place. Often the cut off end fit nicely in another gap on the plywood.

Once the corks have been glued into place, let them dry completely before screwing the board into the wall. Glue the remaining corks into place over the screws.

While attaching my corkboard two corks fell off. I used the craft glue to easily reattach them.

The corks are a great thickness for push pins.

When using my corkboard I push pins in just like a regular bulletin board.

The angled cut corks make the board look more finished.

Stand back and admire your new bulletin board. Craft on!


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